Vote for America


To the Editor:

As I look at present day America, it is hard to believe the downward spiral from just a few years ago. The destruction of our nation could maybe be called The New World “Disorder.”

Under our “Weekend at Bernie’s” administration, the tail now wags the dog. We have been ignoring, allowing and sometimes even supporting so much evil and craziness unbefitting of the United States: riots, looting, burning of the American flag, sex change surgery, child trafficking, indoctrination in our schools, pornography in our school libraries, increased drug importation, millions of people entering our country illegally, late term abortions, anti-police attitude, a politically weaponized judicial system, the brain dead withdrawal plan from Afghanistan, misuse of tax money and government overspending, election fraud, interference with free speech, “Season’s Greetings” in place of “Merry Christmas,” men competing in women’s sports and entering women’s restrooms, tampons in men’s restrooms (sure can’t figure this one out. LOL.), the hardship of inflation, higher interest rates, dishonesty and self-enrichment within our elected leadership, lies, lies and more lies. What in the world is going on and what is coming next? We hear rumblings about higher taxes, gun confiscation, digital currency, and a One World Bank which will house and control the money of everyone.

The Democrat Party used to be considered the party of the working class. No more. It has been overtaken by a liberal deep state faction and supported by big money. They preach with lies then pad their voting numbers with fraud: mail out ballots, computer tampering, and dishonest vote counting. Their latest effort in this regard is bent on giving voting rights to people who have entered our country illegally.

At this point in time, I support the Republican Party as the lesser of the two evils and the party which supports middle class America. It is not without its own problems by way of politicians who are compromised through self-interest and self-enrichment. Yet, they have a great leader in Donald Trump, along with the unified effort of party leaders who are fighting for truth and sanity.

There are those who simply do not like Trump. Please be reminded that he is not running for sainthood. He is running for President. He is strong, intelligent, worldly wise, business smart, has a tireless work ethic, and puts the welfare of the American people first. He promotes his platform by truthfully answering questions; he says what he means and does what he says, and he cannot be bought.

It is going to take someone like Trump to wade through the D.C. sewer, drain the corruption, and get our nation on the right path. I feel that a vote against Trump and those who support his platform is a vote in favor of the liberal left which has been destroying the America we know and love. Our country was in good hands during Trump’s 1st term: our economy was thriving, taxes were reasonable, the stock market was solid, our military was strong, our borders were under control, we were energy independent, and law and order was so much better. We had the respect of other countries and had open communications with other leaders, both friend and foe. We had an emphasis on less big government regulations. We had peace through strength.

The left and big money have tried everything to get rid of Trump: slander, lawsuits, the Russian collusion, impeachments, indictments, and putting a target on his back leading to an assassination attempt.

The upcoming election on Nov. 5th might be the most critical in history. It is crucial that everyone takes the time to vote. If you have never voted, just contact the County Clerk’s office at your County Court House before Oct. 9th and tell them that you would like to register. Or you can register online at

With all that has happened over the past four years, it would be easy to just give up, yet that is no answer and certainly not the nature of our great country. We know that “God is in control” and we know that “with God all things are possible.” It is our purpose to keep working hard, pay our share of taxes, keep loving and serving others, and keep trusting in Jesus our Savior. It is also a time to pray, stand up and vote.

I feel so fortunate to live in a small town in mid-Missouri, a town filled with so many wonderful people. I am also thankful that our lives are not affected as much as big cities by all the corruption and crime. Yet, we are all affected by inflationary costs, interest rates, the threat of higher taxes, and the trend towards big governmental control and regulations. I feel very strongly that a vote for Trump, and for those on the ballot who support his platform, is a vote for America and a brighter future ahead.

May God bless each of you in your daily lives and forever.

John Hoener
