

In Army Officer Training one learns very early the importance of experience which exists with the senior enlisted soldiers.

We were taught to have a “buy-in” with First Sergeants — there were usually four in a battalion and THE Sergeant Major. Basically this was a “will it work” or “can we do this” or does it need a mid-course adjustment?

A future officer was also drilled “if you want your unit to have your back” you must respect the hard work and skills they have learned. We learned to praise our Sergeants in public and coach them in private. An officer leads best when THE Sergeant Major and the First Sergeants are all on the same page.

An enlisted soldier does not get promoted to THE Sergeant Major nor does a Colonel attain the stars of General without incredible leadership experience, sacrifice to their family, loyalty to protect our freedoms and a knowledge of how to implement the Big Picture. Both ranks are nearly impossible to attain with only a minuscule percentage of soldiers succeeding.

An officer and a gentleman is also taught in “how to behave class” to be respectful of those who are serving honorably or have served honorably. Throughout history this has not always been the case. It was suggested during the Vietnam war era for us not to wear our uniforms in airports as spitting on us was common. Some of those who were the most disrespectful now claim to be the greatest of patriots and all of us veterans know some!

Currently, a former Commander-In-Chief has more respect for a billionaire donor whom he gave a medallion than a Medal of Honor recipient — the highest military award for bravery in battle — who may have made the ultimate sacrifice to save the lives of other soldiers. To them he gave the moniker “losers and suckers!”

A former adviser of his claims he considers the military a welfare arm of the government. Two other items may make his hatred understandable:

(1) a child of the doctor who signed off on the bone spur diagnosis says it was given at the request of his father as a favor to his landlord…and saving the best for last and maybe more deplorable than his Medal of Honor ranking…(2) Claiming he should have been awarded the Purple Heart for avoiding sexually transmitted diseases during the 1980’s which also coincides with his earlier marriages!

WOW — this should cause pause and one to wonder…where would this rank with the Medal of Honor or the Hall of Shame?!

This level of disdain — even for a civilian — is reprehensible.

However; it may explain why his vice-presidential choice — a veteran of four years, whose service was honorable and to be applauded — became the attack dog of his vice presidential opponent whose military career spanned three decades, attained one of the loftiest enlisted ranks and recruited soldiers who served long with admirable promotions in the Army.

None of what has happened is WEIRD or KINKY. To everyone this should be WRONG and NAUSEATING!

Mark Schaeperkoetter