Group expresses strong support for development of new housing options in Hermann


Dear Editor,
We are writing to express our strong support for the development of new housing options in Hermann. Our community is facing a significant shortage of affordable and accessible housing, which is impacting our ability to attract and retain essential workers in critical sectors such as healthcare, education, and local businesses.

The lack of housing options has created a crisis for our local hospital, schools, and area businesses. Healthcare workers, teachers, and employees of local enterprises are struggling to find suitable and affordable places to live. This not only hampers their ability to perform their duties effectively but also affects the overall well-being and growth of our community.

Our local hospital is a vital institution that provides indispensable services to residents. However, the scarcity of nearby housing options has made it challenging to recruit and retain skilled medical professionals. Similarly, our schools, which are the backbone of our community’s future, face difficulties in attracting qualified teachers who cannot find affordable housing. Local businesses, the heartbeat of Hermann’s economy, are also suffering from a lack of workforce due to this housing deficit.

The development of new housing will bring numerous benefits to Hermann:

Economic Growth: More housing will attract more workers, leading to increased economic activity and growth.

Enhanced Services: With more housing options, our hospital and schools can operate at full capacity, providing better services to residents.

Community Stability: Affordable housing will help retain residents, fostering a stable and thriving community.

We urge our local government, developers, and community leaders to prioritize and expedite housing development projects. By working together, we can create a diverse range of housing options that will support our essential workers and strengthen the Hermann community as a whole.

Let us not overlook the pressing need for housing. It is a crucial step towards ensuring that our hospital, schools, and businesses can continue to serve and thrive in our beloved community.


Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce

Hermann Regional Economic Development Corp/Regional Economic Development Initiative

Hermann Area District Hospital

Gasconade County R1 School District